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Time to SCREEN – National Cervical Screening Programme

The new cervical screening test is a game changer!

Cervical cancer is preventable. Regular cervical screening is one of the best ways to protect yourself.

There are now two options for having your cervical screening test: a vaginal swab where you can self-test or a trained professional can assist you or, you can choose to have a cervical sample (what used to be called a smear test) taken by a healthcare provider.

Most people can choose to self-test.

The new HPV test is safe and accurate.

Cervical screening is for eligible wāhine, and people with a cervix aged 25 to 69.

Find out more at, call 0800 729 729 or kōrero to your nurse, doctor or hauora clinic.

Measles may be in Otago and Southland!

Measles may be in Otago and Southland! Are you and your whānau immunised?

Measles is highly contagious and can make you very sick. If you have not had 2 vaccination shots against measles, contact your local GP to book an appt, check if there is a vaccination clinic at your community provider or visit your local pharmacy.

If you are not sure if you are covered, its best to get immunised. Check the factsheet for more information, or call Healthline for free on 0800 611 116 to check symptoms.


COVID-19 vaccine available for younger children at higher risk

Tamariki aged 6 months to 4 years who are immunocompromised or have multiple or complex health conditions are eligible for a COVID-19 vaccine.

From 9 February a version of the paediatric Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine will be available for children aged 6 months to 4 years who are at higher risk of severe disease if they were to get COVID-19.

MHC will not be offering this vaccine, if your child is eligible, you will be able to book a vaccine by:


Eligibility criteria for young children

The vaccine is available for children aged from 6 months to 4 years who have the following health conditions:

  • chronic lung disease
  • serious heart conditions such as congestive heart failure or congenital
  • heart disease
  • diabetes
  • chronic kidney disease
  • chronic neurological or neuromuscular disease such as cerebral palsy
  • Down syndrome
  • a weakened immune system or are on an immunosuppressive
  • treatment such as chemotherapy
  • severe haematological disorders
  • a transplant in the last 24 months.


Children who are not in any of the high-risk categories are not eligible for the vaccine as they have a low likelihood of severe illness from COVID-19.


Kia ora,

As you may be aware, our computer system has not, until now, been good at accurately reflecting the gender preferences of gender-diverse people. There have been limited choices (male, female and unknown), and no ability to differentiate between sex assigned at birth and current gender. In addition, there was no ability to select preferred pronouns and the optional titles were very narrow.

We are delighted to let you know that this has now changed. For all patients there is both a sex assigned at birth category as well as multiple gender choices. There is also the ability to enter personalized gender descriptions, pronouns, and titles if none of the available choices are a good fit.

Please let us know what your preferred gender, pronouns, and title are.

MHC Courtesy Coach

The MHC Courtesy Coach is back on the road again!!  Our Courtesy Coach is free to registered MHC patients.  Please advise our reception staff if you would like to book the coach at the time you book your appointment. This service is limited to specific areas, please phone reception for more information.

Second COVID-19 booster

A second COVID-19 booster is available for:

  • everyone over the age of 50 and recommended for anyone over the age of 65
  • Māori and Pacific Peoples older than 50
  • people who are severely immunocompromised
  • health, aged-care and disability workers over the age of 30.

For those not at risk of severe illness from COVID-19, a two-dose primary course and one booster continues to provide very good protection. So, for those who haven’t had a first booster, please act now.

The second booster dose should be given 6 months after the previous dose, and postponed for 3 months after a COVID-19 infection.

A second booster dose is not recommended for anyone who is pregnant and is healthy, including those with no underlying health conditions which could increase the risk of severe COVID-19.

Staying up-to-date with the recommended COVID-19 vaccinations will continue to protect you from the risk of serious illness, hospitalisation or death.

How to book a second booster:

If you are eligible you can book an appointment online through Book My Vaccine or by calling the COVID Vaccination Healthline on 0800 28 29 26 (8am to 8pm, 7 days a week).


MHC continues to offer all nursing services including cervical smears and immunisations.  If your child is due for their immunisations, please phone reception to book an appointment. We ask that only one adult accompanies your child to the practice and no siblings if this is at all possible.

Test results

MHC would like to remind all patients that ‘no news means good news’ in relation to all tests.

Your GP or Practice Nurse will only contact you if there is something which you need to know about your test results, or which requires follow up.

If you do not hear from your GP or Practice Nurse, this means that your results are all fine and there is nothing further you need to do.

Asthma Medication Changes

In 2020, changes were made to the New Zealand guidelines around how asthma in adults and teenagers should be treated.   It has been shown that for most people, (even those with mild or exercise induced asthma) that making a simple change in the type of inhaler and how and when you use it, may reduce asthma symptoms in day-to-day life.  This change can also reduce the risk of serious asthma episodes which is really exciting!

The new changes also make asthma treatment much simpler by using only one type of inhaler even when your asthma is playing up.

Please book an appointment to see one of our nurses or doctors to discuss how we can work together to improve your asthma symptoms.

Manage My Health (MMH) and children

MMH is a patient portal which allows you access to your own private health information securely.

You can also book appointments and request prescriptions on line.

To register and receive your own private password for access to your own notes, contact reception on 4665011.

MHC also provides MMH access for children under 16 years.  Parental authority, and patient consent is required (if able), with the expectation that the password and access be changed to patient only access once they reach 16 years.